Friday, August 14, 2009

Earthwatch Day 10

I can’t believe it’s over. Suddenly, I am all alone, flying away from a place I grew to love. It’s funny how you start out so independent. Then you are joined by a group of people you’ve never met before. And before you know it, you become part of a unit. You come to know these people as friends, and you find something in each one of them that you adore. And as you experience Earthwatch together, you become a family without even realizing it.

I fully expected to enjoy this Earthwatch expedition. But I never expected to enjoy it as much as I did. When I reflect on the week, I see it as a science adventure as well as a human adventure. It was an integration of the natural history of the Chiracahua Mountains, and the people who shared the experience of exploring it. It's kind of like an ecosystem - interactions are the dynamic force. The trip would have meant nothing without the interactions and experiences shared with these people. I learned so much science. But I also learned a lot about people. And the two combined is what made this trip so memorable.

.....So now I'm off to Jackson, Wyoming. My husband will meet me there to spend a few days with our son. I will be back with my "real" family soon, but I will never forget my Earthwatch family.


  1. You are so right on about the human and flora/fauna interactions. The science alone would have made the trip very worthwhile but our interesting ecosystem helped make it the best.

    I am so glad you did your blog like this - it helps me remember what we did and why - it is good for the local color guy to have the details with such description.


  2. Sounds like you had a blast! This truly was the perfect project for you and your students are going to love hearing all about it.

  3. Thanks for sharing your blog with me. You did a great job at documenting your "Kiwis to Caterpillars" tour. I can tell from your posts that you had a wonderful time, but it was even more apparent when I saw you today at school. You seem so inspired and rejuvenated. Brava!
